Hello teachers and learners of English. I've been teaching for three years and in that time have given a few private classes. Yet I have been disappointed so far to find that so little free online material and ideas exist that is specifically designed with one-to-one classes in mind. So this blog is basically my response to this deficit. I will strive to provide fresh ideas weekly, suitable for both adults or kids or both, but I would also like to encourage teachers to submit any of their own lesson plan ideas to me and I will post them here (send them to 121eflpub@gmail.com) or to start their own blog with the same idea in mind (we can swap links). I aim to provide ideas for lessons plans that require as little preparation as possible (as I know that as a private teacher it isn't always possible to get to a photocopier) but maybe from time to time I'll upload a simple MS Word file for you to take to the printers. I hope you enjoy using the blog, and I look forward to receiving your feedback!
UPDATE: I stopped updating this blog a while ago, apologies. But the current will stay up forever so feel free to use.
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